Sword Art Online

Inside a deadly game
Beyond the real world
Along those who fight well
Going above to the 100 floor
Seeing those who die in front of you
Meeting friends new and old
Eating food that’s not even real
Fighting the Skull Reaper on floor 75
Killing the boss but dying at the same time
Wake Up!

The story is based on the TV show!


Earth’s possible twin has been found!945 light years away the extraordinary solar system that holds two Kepler-20 are almost identical to Earth. Kepler-20f could have a thick water-vapor atmosphere,but its surface may be too hot for life.Although in the same solar system there is a Kepler-20e which is only slightly smaller than Earth but may be hotter. Both planets circle their star are close to a year-long orbit.A month earlier they discovered Kepler-22b which you could fit 13 Earths inside!

For more information see this site