The Map of Homework

(This is a make belief story)
“Ugh… how am I suppose to finish this homework on math problems. UGH.” I said (Out loud).”Stop whining and just do it already.” My mom said ,a bit irritated. “Fineeeeeee…”, But then suddenly there is no homework, in front of me there is a map. A video game map to find the-end? Oh well… a video game is a video game.
And then sudden the pencil turns into a wizard staff.”Awesome!
Anyways the map says first you must go threw the forest of Multiplication(ok then…) then up the volcano of the x and y then finally at the edge of world lies the huge lizard that is Fraction’s pet(Who the heck is Fraction!?!) who guards the end. Wait a minute there is some dirt at the end of the map.” ‘Scratch scratch’. “And to find the-extra? Go to Fraction’s mansion and it will be hidden at… what!?! The end of the map is ripped!?! Well I’m sure that it will turn up later.” Well, I hope that my mom won’t be mad when I’m late for dinner.

End of part 1

The poem on anger


Power is red, just like anger
It tastes like wine, it makes you fall
It reeks like cheese, that has gotten crusty over the hatred of his family
It feels like heat, only getting worst
It sounds like screams, from an angry soul
It looks like a heart, only getting smaller without love
Power is the way to get revenge, in his mind

The rollicoster rides that I hate the most

So here are the top 3 rides I loathe(Voc 1! Oh that’s right!)or kind of loathe ,and the top 3 rides I like (coming soon)!

The ride I hate the most. Name-forget(sorry).There was this superman ride with loops and stuff like that, and I also had to wait for 2 hours! And guess what? I was short by an inch and they didn’t let me on!

Now here comes the 2nd ride. Name-The boomerang (I think it’s called that)
The ride is basically loops, and when I open my eyes I feel like I’m going to throw up twice!

And last but not least, the 3rd ride.
Name (possibly)- The rock n roll drive. I like the ride ,but when you get into the ride, it blows SUPER loud music.I thought I would become deaf!

So until next time ,If you are willing to ,I’d like to hear your most hated rollicoster rides!


I love the Game room. Especially on the weekends. I play Starfox 64, Lego Star Wars, Mario Cart wii,Super Smash bros brawl ,and best of all (so far) Injustice.Before I get into that, let me tell you about the room.
The room has one fan ,two desks for my computer and my dad’s,one couch, two windows, and one table with a TV,that’s filled with games and whatnot. There’s also a shelf for books and Legos, when I have free time. But the best part the room is the family conversations. The conversations always start out with my little brother ,Ian, making up a crazy story, or the games being played.
The room also reminds me of my childhood. Though the sad part is that I’m moving. The house is closer to the freeway, but farther from the room, farther then the house. But there are weeks till that day, so I’ll cherish them.


I love the Game room. Especially on the weekends. I play Starfox 64, Lego Star Wars, Mario Cart wii,Super Smash bros brawl ,and best of all (so far) Injustice.Before I get into that, let me tell you about the room.
The room has one fan ,two desks for my computer and my dad’s,one couch, two windows, and one table with a TV,that’s filled with games and whatnot. There’s also a shelf for books and Legos, when I have free time. But the best part the room is the family conversations. The conversations always start out with my little brother ,Ian, making up a crazy story, or the games being played.
The room also reminds me of my childhood. Though the sad part is that I’m moving. The house is closer to the freeway, but farther from the room, farther then the house. But there are weeks till that day, so I’ll cherish them.


Homework. It’s kind of like kryptonite to me. It takes away family time, and changes it into “fun time”. Homework is the worst Pokemon on Earth;no one wants it. Homework always comes back after you beat it. I wish that homework was alive so I could punch it into pudding. Or perhaps jelly. Homework is the master ,and I’m the slave. Homework is the meaning of evil. I relish the days that I don’t have homework, and loathe the days I do. somedays I wish I had a dog and you know why. I want to put homework into the shredder. Homework is the reason I hate life(NOT). homework is step one, a draft is step two, and a project is step three.
Ahh homework.

The vacation

The flashes of color, on the TV. The color of ocean water ,on the walls. The mug of white liquid ,gushing all around. The noises of people talking on the screen. The screams of my brothers goofing off as always. The creaking of the wood, under my feet. The smell of the salty water,out in the pool ,and the cookie of sugar and batter. The tastes of sugar on the tip of my tongue. Frosty liquid of bright milk, filling my thirst.The ways of life are here! Though, I wish I was in bed.

Sword Art Online

Inside a deadly game
Beyond the real world
Along those who fight well
Going above to the 100 floor
Seeing those who die in front of you
Meeting friends new and old
Eating food that’s not even real
Fighting the Skull Reaper on floor 75
Killing the boss but dying at the same time
Wake Up!

The story is based on the TV show!


Earth’s possible twin has been found!945 light years away the extraordinary solar system that holds two Kepler-20 are almost identical to Earth. Kepler-20f could have a thick water-vapor atmosphere,but its surface may be too hot for life.Although in the same solar system there is a Kepler-20e which is only slightly smaller than Earth but may be hotter. Both planets circle their star are close to a year-long orbit.A month earlier they discovered Kepler-22b which you could fit 13 Earths inside!

For more information see this site