The Map of Homework: part 2 the stupid multiplying demons

The story is back! So on to the tale.

Woah— that was all that I thought as I enter the Town of Facts. There was multiplying potions, wizard gear, and things to help me on the journey. As I walked around with my wizard staff a guy from a shop called Hizda ,Gizta’s workshop of Stuff…Izta(What is with the bad rhyming?!?) walked up to me and said,”Would ye like ze sword to help ye journey?” I thought for a moment, then said,” Sure, but I don’t have any money.” He then replied,”Sure ye do, its in ye pocket.”(What is with the ye’s?) As I look at my pocket and all I can think is, WHAT—THE—HECK, there is some money called adders in my pocket.”Zit will be five adders.” He said. “Sure…” I replied,”My name is Kar—Netsrak, just Netsrak(My name backwards).””My name zis Gizta. Come to my shop if ye want ze sword or zomezing!” Gizta replied, running to zis(his, sorry too much Gizta in my head.) shop.

“WELCOME TO ZE SHOP!” Gizta yelled at the top of his lungs,(God— now that was what you call loud)”Look around if ze want to!” And as I looked around I spotted the most captivating sword in the world. The blade of smooth silver, the golden handle with Fraction’s dragon(I saw a picture of it on the map), and the on the tip of the blade lied a silver fire that never dies.” Zat is the sword of Fraction,” Gizta said, his voice was smooth and steady… that’s weird, for Gizta that is.”The sword zis called Fraction’s golden laced sword of the ever silver burning fire.””How much does it cost?” I asked. “HA! Zit’s not for sale, ze only way to get it is to beat the Demons of the multiplying guild. Zey has not lost in three years!” Gizta shouted. Until now that is.” Where do I sign up?”I ask.”Here.” He replied a bit worried. “I also would like to buy a thing called “Wizard staff Secrets”. What’s that?”
” Oh, it enables you zo switch zo different elements that could be unlocked, you already have earth, and math.”He replied.(Math’s an element in this world?)” Wow! There’s 10 elements!”
“There’s more actually, you zan find out more as ye go!”
“Well I’ll see you later!” I say, running out to find a hotel (or something like that)
“Ze ya! Visit anytime!”

So this is what adventure feels like! What a rush! As I pay the hotel for a room I think about this day. If it’s real. Because if it is, I have a big day ahead!

End of part 1 of the Stupid Multiplying Demons.

Hey bloggers and friends! I’ve been think of making a series for this, I just wanted to let you know! If you think I should, post it in the comments! If I get some yes’ I’ll be posting a new one every 2 or 3 weeks! Keep being awesome!

One thought on “The Map of Homework: part 2 the stupid multiplying demons

  1. You’re having fun with the accent! Writing dialect is challenging, but you’ve got the hang of it!

    Creative thinking is a gift of yours, Karsten. You have great ideas and a way with words when it comes to expressing them.

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